SiteSpect Synopsis: Building Better Customer Relationships

We all know that customer experience plays a huge role in your online conversions. While optimizing the customer experience is essential in today’s digital-first world, brands should be taking these experiences a step further and building authentic relationships with their customers.  According to Gallup, companies that provide an emotional connection with their customers outperform the…

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Our 2021 Product Vision

The past year’s online-heavy business focus has put unprecedented pressure on the Marketer to improve user experience, personalization, and secure all possible market share and revenue. This has driven a need to:  Access more-powerful web optimization tools.  Do so using fast, user-friendly, “WYSIWYG” visual editors that don’t require technical expertise. Seamlessly collaborate with peer groups…

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Creating an In-Person Experience with Product Recommendations

Woman online shopping

As consumers continue to favor online over in-person shopping, businesses are faced with the task of not only optimizing the online experience, but adding a human touch to them. According to CMSWire, 83% of people said they were more likely to do business with a brand that they have an emotional connection with. Now more…

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SiteSpect Synopsis: Retail Personalization in 2021 and Beyond

Woman shopping online

For online retailers, personalization is the key to enhancing the customer experience and building brand loyalty. In fact, 80% of consumers are more likely to purchase from a brand that provides a personalized experience. A robust personalization strategy is even more important now as more shoppers opt for digital experiences. Check out these three industry…

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How to Continuously Optimize the Customer Experience

Smiling woman shopping online

As we move into a digital-first world, your online customer experience is more important than ever. In an unexpected 2020, businesses had to significantly shift their customer experience strategy to keep up with new consumer expectations. These expectations will only continue to evolve in 2021, meaning your customer experience needs to be ready to evolve…

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Three Ways to Optimize Your Top Navigation and Drive Conversions

Woman designing website

Your website’s navigation can make or break your conversion rate. If your navigation is too overwhelming or, in contrast, does not offer much information, your visitors will likely be deterred from your site. However, an optimized navigation can truly improve the customer experience and drive sales.  As with any part of your site, digital optimization…

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