Delivering a quality omnichannel experience means providing visitors with consistent experience across devices. A retail customer, for example, might begin shopping in a brick and mortar store, add items to their cart on a mobile device, and make a purchase on their desktop computer. Along the way, they may also encounter digital ads from over-the-top (OTT) devices such as smart TVs. Successful businesses focus on delivering consistent experiences across devices.
SiteSpect empowers companies to quickly and easily achieve this goal by integrating across any platform and on any device. The result? An overall enhanced customer experience and smoother conversion.
Consistent Experience Across Devices
SiteSpect enables you to configure any test or personalized campaign as an omnichannel campaign. Any recognized user sees a consistent experience across devices, no matter what their journey looks like.
Consistent Experience Across Domains
SiteSpect supports your promotions across multiple domains. We allow you to show users who have seen a variation in one of your domains that same variation in every domain, guaranteeing omnichannel optimization for every user.
Consistent Experience Across Channels
Your marketing campaigns work across social, email, print, and other media channels. No matter the channel, SiteSpect shows your users the correct, consistent experience. Deliver a consistent experience across devices with SiteSpect.
Omnichannel Analytics
Omnichannel users who see the same experience across devices are not double-counted or missed in SiteSpect’s reporting and analytics. Make the right decisions by having the right data without compromising on the user experience.