Faster Sites Convert
- Optimize site performance by understanding how small changes in site speed can lead to big changes in conversion.
- Understand how your A/B testing and personalization campaigns are affecting customer experience and business KPIs.
No more marketing black box
- Know the performance impact of SiteSpect in your tech stack.
- Access the dashboard to quickly see pages of your site that are underperforming and optimize site performance with Real User Monitoring.
- Understand how your A/B testing and personalization campaigns impact site performance.
Prevent your next IT headache
- See the performance impact of new releases, test variants, and personalized experiences before you show them to large amounts of traffic with Real User Monitoring.
- Rollout releases to full segments after verifying conversion and performance improvements.
What We Track
- Assignments - A list of variations and personalized experiences shown to the user
- PerformanceTiming values
- requestStart
- responseStart
- responseEnd
- domInteractive
- domContentLoaded
- loadEventStart
- navigationStart
- Calculated values from PerformanceTiming
- Time to First Byte (TTFB) = responseStart - requestStart
- Time to Last Byte (TTLB) = responseEnd - requestStart
- Time to Interactive (TTI) = domInteractive - requestStart
- Page Load Time = loadEventStart - requestStart
- Network Duration = navigationStart - requestStart
- SiteSpect Analysis Time - The time it takes SiteSpect to modify the user experience
- SiteSpect Origin Time - The time it takes your web server to respond to a request from SiteSpect
- Time to Beacon - The time between the browser sending a beacon and SiteSpect receiving it
- User Agent Information