Posts by Mike Fradkin

Mike Fradkin

Mike Fradkin

Mike Fradkin is the Director of Product Marketing at SiteSpect. His experience ranges from smaller series-A startup companies to large multinational corporations such as AT&T and IBM. With a technology career that began with several customer-facing leadership roles, Mike never loses sight of the connection between technology value and the real people it can positively affect. He enjoys the challenge of identifying trends and market drivers, truly understanding the problems of customers within their specific industries, cultures, and reporting structures, and leveraging those insights to deliver more impactful results.

Perfecting the User Experience in Healthcare: Balancing Compliance with Insight and Experience Optimization

By SiteSpect Marketing · October 26, 2023

There are 100 billion searches for healthcare on Google each year alone. That breaks down to 70,000 health-related searches per minute—every single day. Which is great if your website has…

Why Do My A/B Tests Cause Website Flicker?

By SiteSpect Marketing · October 3, 2023

A/B testing is an undeniably important tool in the world of website optimization, as most A/B testing programs yield an average 49% increase in conversions.  However, some A/B testing solutions…

A/B Testing for Mobile Apps: How to Build Effective Experiments

By SiteSpect Marketing · September 21, 2023

It was reported that Amazon increased its revenue by a massive 35% in one year, all thanks to effective A/B testing. Running these experiments can deliver huge results on websites…