Overstock.com Optimizes Conversion Rates with SiteSpect’s Non-Intrusive Web Site Testing Technology
SiteSpect, Inc. today announced the success of its non-intrusive web site conversion optimization system at leading Internet retailer Overstock.com.
Using SiteSpect’s patent-pending technology, Overstock.com marketers are free to test and optimize the entire breadth of their website, including dynamically generated content, landing pages, checkout functions and more, without requiring any web site modifications. Because SiteSpect is non-intrusive, testing and optimizing these site elements is performed without the costly and time-consuming involvement of IT or content developers.
“After analyzing and experiencing other multivariate testing products in the marketplace, we concluded that SiteSpect’s versatility was unequalled,” said Sam Peterson, Senior Vice President of Technology at Overstock.com. “SiteSpect is one of those products which outperforms one’s expectations. SiteSpect delivers on its promised capabilities – flexible multivariate testing without site modifications – while giving us unmatched confidence in the data we are seeing from it.”
In relatively little time, Overstock.com has used SiteSpect to optimize its conversion rates and average order values by globally testing new product page layouts against current page layouts. To determine how various layouts performed, both at the page and category level, Overstock.com ran simultaneous multivariate tests to analyze a variety of scenarios on the site’s shoppers. Similar tests were also run for promotional headers.
“We are impressed with the way Overstock.com has put SiteSpect to immediate use,” said Eric Hansen, President of SiteSpect, Inc. “Web marketers have been led to believe that it’s costly and disruptive to perform continuous testing and optimization of complex web sites. With SiteSpect’s help, Overstock.com is showing that web marketers can test and optimize even the most complicated areas of their sites without having to rework content or involve IT or development resources.
About SiteSpect, Inc.
SiteSpect enables Web marketers to optimize web site effectiveness through multivariate testing. By testing variations of landing pages, product descriptions, search results and buy-flows, SiteSpect allows marketers to fine-tune every aspect of their Web site to increase profitability. As the first and only non-intrusive solution available, SiteSpect empowers marketers to optimize their sites without the need for ongoing IT involvement. SiteSpect’s patent-pending technology is used in some of the world’s largest and most successful e-commerce sites. For more information, visit www.SiteSpect.com or call 617-859-1900.