SiteSpect Blog

Maximizing Conversion Drivers, Minimizing Conversion Barriers

By SiteSpect Marketing · January 16, 2014

If you’re like most digital marketers today, you’re doing everything you can to increase conversion rates and maximize the ROI of your website. This means find the right strategies for…

Why Tablets Should Be Treated Differently Than Smartphones

By SiteSpect Marketing · January 7, 2014

14.4%. That’s the percentage of all online sales driven by tablets on Black Friday, according to the new IBM Benchmark Report. With all of the buzz around mobile, it’s important…

A Day of Big Data in the Big Apple

By SiteSpect Marketing · December 10, 2013

Big data has been this year’s buzzword in numerous blog posts, news stories, and articles. Marketers are trying to figure out how to apply theoretical concepts and turn them into…

4 Holiday Site A/B Testing Strategies That Improve Conversions

By SiteSpect Marketing · November 15, 2013

If you are like most digital marketers today, you are doing everything you can to increase conversion rates and maximize the ROI of your website. This article explores holiday A/B…

Blog Post: 12 Strategies for Improving Conversions

By SiteSpect Marketing · November 8, 2013

If you are looking for a primer on how to optimize conversion rates on your website, consider downloading SiteSpect’s latest e-book, called “12 Strategies for Improving Conversions.” This e-book explores…

Steps To Take Before Kicking Off Holiday A/B Testing

By SiteSpect Marketing · October 23, 2013

The holidays are fast approaching. That generally means, among other things, a bump in site traffic, sales, and offers. While being aware of your A/B testing plan this summer, now…

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