The Web’s Best – Keep Calm and Keep Up
The Web’s best probably looked a lot like your digital enterprise at one time or another — doing whatever it took to reach consumers’ hearts and wallets. See more at:
The Web’s best probably looked a lot like your digital enterprise at one time or another — doing whatever it took to reach consumers’ hearts and wallets. They didn’t just arrive on the scene fully polished and impressive. The Web’s best continually refine their offerings, promotions and brand images and now embody what it means to be successful on today’s ‘Net. This is no time to panic, but to keep calm and keep up with the Web’s best.
Leading enterprises make improvements (varying in degrees of complexity) as they carry on — measuring, testing and optimizing at every turn. They have intangible qualities in common — beautiful, resilient, reliable and recognizable — and have an unparalleled focus on what it takes to succeed on the Web. They also have a commitment to acquisition and retention, optimization and analytics, and infrastructure and reliability.
The Internet’s hyper-competitive landscape can make it seem impossible to keep up with the Web’s …
This article originally appeared in the December 2013 issue of Website Magazine. You can read the original version here.