Increase Page-load Speeds with SiteSpect AMPS

December 8, 2014

SiteSpect has launched a Web and mobile performance optimization solution that leverages the power of multivariate testing and behavioral targeting.

In recent customer deployments, SiteSpect’s automated multivariate performance optimization solution (AMPS) has decreased page load times by as much as 50 to 70 percent. Faster websites not only improve the user experience but also increase conversion rates and average order values. Additionally, major search engine crawlers are now evaluating site speeds in their algorithms and ranking faster sites higher in search results.

Any type of site can be optimized with SiteSpect AMPS including e-commerce, publishing and social media, intranets, extranets and mobile-specific WAP sites. AMPS measures not only speed but also key performance indicators including bounce rate, conversion rate, average order value, abandonment and compound metrics that look at multiple behaviors both within and across visits.

Below are some of the key features to SiteSpect AMPS:

  • On-Page Optimization – reduces the size of CSS and JavaScript files, combines scripts, and reorders elements for optimal processing and rendering.
  • Cache Optimization – adjusts content cache settings to reduce network overhead, thereby decreasing page load time while simultaneously increasing Web server capacity.
  • Dynamic Parallelization – optimizes the browser’s ability to retrieve content by increasing parallelism, without requiring any change to the server or browser.
  • Network Optimization – SiteSpect’s global private cloud utilizes real-time network measurements to determine fastest paths from any end-user location.
  • Cloud Delivery – SiteSpect’s built-in cache positions content closer to the end user for reduced latency when delivering static content.
  • Modular Architecture – allows clients to test, measure the impact of, and deploy third-party performance solutions such as CDNs and open-source tools such as Steve Souders’ ControlJS.


SiteSpect AMPS is available as either an on-premise enterprise appliance or a cloud-based ASP version, and both versions integrate seamlessly with SiteSpect’s content testing and targeting solutions. Visit SiteSpect for more information.

This article originally appeared in the January 2011 issue of Website Magazine. You can read the original version here.