6 Ways to Optimize Landing Page ROI
The job of the retail website is more important and more difficult than ever, especially when it comes to a multichannel sales strategy. Visitors arrive at your website through a variety of online channels: pay per click and organic search, email offers, mobile coupons, print ads, among other things. Once at your site, consumers need to be able to easily act upon a promotion or buy a specific product.
If visitors don’t see anything relevant to what drove them to your site, they’re most likely to leave — wasting their time and your marketing dollars. That’s why landing page design is a critical factor in your site’s success. These key elements of your website serve as a bridge between the marketing messages that brought visitors to your site and the site functionality that enables them to take action, such as making purchases.
Read more: http://www.emarketingandcommerce.com/article/6-ways-optimize-landing-page-roi