SiteSpect Blog

On-Site Search: A/B Test the Functional

By SiteSpect Marketing · December 1, 2015

Are you trying to figure out how important it is to A/B test on-site search? If so, consider this example from Walmart. The team conducted a series of functional A/B…

On-Site Search: Test the Visual

By SiteSpect Marketing · November 19, 2015

My previous post highlights the importance of A/B testing your on-site search. The results of on-site search A/B tests inform the changes you make to your site to accomplish your…

Have You A/B Tested Your Booking Process Lately?

By SiteSpect Marketing · November 17, 2015

Driving reservations, cross-sells, and customer loyalty are critical goals for travel companies. A great way to achieve these goals is to deliver a superior customer experience. But how do you…

Optimize Your On-Site Search

By SiteSpect Marketing · November 10, 2015

We’ve all been there. You try to buy an item or find some information on a site and you bomb. Searching for something and not finding it leaves you frustrated…

17 Stocking Stuffers for Your Optimization Team

By SiteSpect Marketing · November 9, 2015

‘Tis the season for Holiday Gift Guides. We’ve assembled a list of our favorite optimization books, apps and tools to help you kick start your gift-giving endeavor. You’ll find something…

The Power of Personalization

By SiteSpect Marketing · October 27, 2015

One of SiteSpect’s strongest features is its ability to target users and personalize their experience. It allows you to target content using a wide range of criteria, which provides a…

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