A/B & Multivariate Testing

Perfecting the User Experience in Healthcare: Balancing Compliance with Insight and Experience Optimization

There are 100 billion searches for healthcare on Google each year alone. That breaks down to 70,000 health-related searches per minute—every single day. Which is great if your website has an optimized user experience!  From patients to providers, we’ve recently seen a growing demand for seamless and satisfying interactions within digital healthcare platforms. Between HIPAA…
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5 Areas to Leverage AI in Your A/B Testing & Experimentation Process

Using the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not just a passing trend; it’s a strategic advantage. And one you may have not realized you can leverage in your A/B testing process.  With over 1 million users engaging with ChatGPT within the first 5 days of launch and a projected CAGR of 37.3% for AI…
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Experimentation Leads to an Increase in Mortgage Inquiries for Leading UK Mortgage Intermediary

The United Kingdom is home to a prominent mortgage intermediary brand that has consistently maintained an outstanding reputation in the industry. Their brand boasts an impressive track record, with numerous accolades to its name and a dedicated team of over 2,000 advisers spread across the nation. Their commitment to providing top-notch advice and service is…
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Why Do My A/B Tests Cause Website Flicker?

A/B testing is an undeniably important tool in the world of website optimization, as most A/B testing programs yield an average 49% increase in conversions.  However, some A/B testing solutions introduce website flicker with the addition of JavaScript Tags, giving customers a confusing experience on the webpage. When these less-than-ideal A/B testing solutions attempt to…
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A/B Testing for Mobile Apps: How to Build Effective Experiments

It was reported that Amazon increased its revenue by a massive 35% in one year, all thanks to effective A/B testing. Running these experiments can deliver huge results on websites (like Amazon’s), but what about A/B testing for mobile apps?  Of course, it can boost your conversion rates and help optimize your user experience as…
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5 A/B Testing Challenges for Media & Entertainment Apps & Devices [+ Solutions]

Today, 77% of companies are running A/B tests on their websites. Why? Studies show that testing to create a better user experience can increase conversions by a whopping 400%! And when it comes to media and entertainment apps, the story rings true again. In an industry where memorable user experiences are the currency of success,…
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