A/B Testing Google Accelerate Mobile Pages (AMP) with SiteSpect
By SiteSpect Product Management
February 26, 2016
The AMP project was recently launched by Google to accelerate the mobile web. This development is exciting for SiteSpect not only because our solution is compatible and supports website speed optimization, but also because it highlights how JavaScript tags can slow down your website. Fast AMP pages achieve their high speed because they do not allow third-party JavaScript tags, synchronous JavaScript, and JavaScript that blocks the critical path.
Other optimization platforms use synchronous third-party tags in the critical path to prevent flicker, which happens when an end user sees an original version of a page for a short time before the A/B test version appears. Both flicker and slow pages have a negative effect on the user experience and business KPIs. In contrast, SiteSpect generates A/B test pages directly, without JavaScript tags, so your visitors won’t see a disconcerting flicker and users won’t know the page is being A/B tested.
How SiteSpect Works
The simple diagram above illustrates the traffic flow and shows how SiteSpect works. When a request flows through SiteSpect and a user is assigned to an A/B test, SiteSpect can change a page with a simple search and replace. This search and replace can even be applied on asynchronous JavaScript on your AMP pages. Everything happens in the traffic flow; the changes are applied before the page even gets to the browser.
The result is consistent for first and repeat visits. In addition, data collection on user behavior also happens in the flow. This avoids data inaccuracies as a result of JavaScript tag misfires and user page exits before the JavaScript loads. After all, understanding your A/B test to make proper business decisions requires accurate data.
No matter what your architecture looks like, Google AMP or otherwise, SiteSpect can help you A/B test and optimize your website and provide accurate data with no latency tradeoffs.
To learn more about SiteSpect, visit our website.
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