New eBook – Omnichannel – Buzzword or Revenue Booster?
By SiteSpect Marketing
September 20, 2016
In today’s retail world buyers often start their purchasing journey in one place and on one device. They research products and services, make comparisons, read reviews, etc. But, by time they click the “buy” button, they are usually on a different device and in a different place. According to a recent Neustar survey, 78% of e-commerce companies surveyed expect to see a sales lift from their omnichannel activities.
To realize this lift, companies first need to understand their entire customer purchasing experience and then quickly optimize it across all channels. The end result should be true continuity from beginning to end – without interruption.
The numbers show that “Omnichannel” is more than just marketing hype. Take a look at our Omnichannel Optimization and A/B Testing Strategy infographic to get the latest statistics. And, go one step further by downloading your copy of our new ebook “Omnichannel Testing: The Four Steps that Impact Revenue”.
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