A Lot to LOVE at Shop.org
By SiteSpect Marketing
October 7, 2015
It’s day two at Shop.org in Philadelphia. One tourist attraction in Philly is the John F. Kennedy Plaza, also known as “Love Park”. Mere blocks from the convention center, the plaza got its nickname from Robert Indiana’s famous LOVE sculpture. At Shop.org, we are enjoying a replica of the sculpture, which has been the site of many selfies and team pictures. Keeping with that theme, I’ve got to ask: what is there to LOVE about Shop.org? What is there to LOVE about optimizing your digital business?
An annual event put on by the National Retail Federation, Shop.org brings together retailers, vendors, students, and journalists to discuss current trends in the retail sector. There are many things to LOVE about Shop.org. Here are just a few that come to mind:
L – Learning Opportunities – This conference provides lots of opportunities to learn, specifically during keynotes and breakout sessions, but you can also learn from fellow attendees.
O – Omnichannel – Every session on the Channel Convergence track focused on the topic of omnichannel and its impact on today’s retailers. Customers expect a seamless experience regardless of channel and retailers are discovering unique ways to meet that challenge.
V – Vision – Many presenters ask, what does the future hold? How can the retailers of today be ready for the realities of tomorrow? Several sessions gave attendees insight into what is possible for the next generation of digital retail.
E – Exhibitors – These events offer vendors opportunities to connect with their customers and other members of the industry. And there is such a variety of companies! Exhibitors such as consulting and design firms, supply chain companies, and conversion optimization vendors (like SiteSpect) are here to answer your questions and discuss your needs.
Now let’s think about using A/B testing and targeting to optimize your digital business. What are some A/B tests your team can run using SiteSpect?
L – Landing pages – Serve up different variations of one of your site landing pages and determine which works best for your audience.
O – Order Flow – Once a visitor has placed an item in a cart and entered the checkout flow, A/b test how many pages in the process are optimal for your site. You can also A/B test the impact of form design and upsell during checkout.
V – Video – A/B test different videos against each other by creating variations that embed different videos into the page. Video continues to emerge as a means to interact with your customers and you need a solution that will help you effectively A/B test its impact.
E – Everything – At SiteSpect, we believe in the importance of A/B testing everything on your site, from how your site looks to how your site works. Several presenters also stressed the importance of optimization in their businesses.
Another successful Shop.org is almost in the books. Did you attend as well? If so, what did you LOVE about the conference?
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