How to Optimize the Customer Journey for Awareness
By Kate Orchard
May 23, 2018
Every marketer I’ve worked with spends huge amounts of time and effort generating brand awareness. Almost as many marketers come up short when looking for metrics to gauge growth. Over the years I’ve found a few ways to test and measure awareness that validate your marketing efforts and allow you to fine tune your campaigns.
1) Measure Site Functionality
If your website experiences latency, traffic issues, or any performance problem, not only do you sacrifice your customer experience, but you also impact your SEO rankings. This has a big effect on awareness. You should measure and optimize metrics such as site speed, page load time, bounce rates, and site visits.
2) Optimize Your Landing Pages
If your site has a stagnant landing page or a homepage that doesn’t generate engagement, you’re missing a huge opportunity to tell customers about your brand. You can run multivariate tests or A/B tests to measure the impact of site design and draw more engaged visits. You would measure clicks, mouse hovers, scrolling depth, time on page, and bounce rate.
3) Experiment with Content Flow
Even if you get potential customers to visit your site, you may need to drive awareness to select content. To do this, there are many ways to redesign, A/B test, and innovate with the flow of content on your site. You may reorganize the navigation menus or change the copy that leads to the relevant link. Important measurements here would be clicks, page visits, and bounce rate for the relevant page.
If you start A/B testing site features that indicate brand awareness, you’ll be sure to see a lift in conversions all the way through the customer journey. Get creative with you KPIs, and innovative with your marketing strategies.
Kate Orchard works directly with SiteSpect users as a CRO to help them get the most out of the platform and their brand. She also happens to be a real life Commodore, and we think that gives her an extra heir of mystery and authority.
Read More from Commodore Kate Learn How to Optimize Across the Customer Journey
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