Creative Ways to Personalize Your Site

By Kate Orchard

November 18, 2019


Personalization is key for anyone working in digital optimization or marketing. Customers want their online experience tailored to their needs, and you want customers to convert with minimal friction. But too often personalization gets translated into really broad strokes that leave customers confused and dissatisfied. This can happen when brands focus on general demographic information rather than truly creating an individual experience. This blog gives 3 creative ways to personalize your site that have seen big returns for our customers.

Dynamic Personalization

The beauty of personalization with SiteSpect is that you can personalize the entire user journey across several pages, rather than on a single page basis. For example, let’s say you have one default homepage for new users who have come to your site directly. If you’re, say, a bank, you probably have a place for members to log in, a full navigation bar, and then sections of your page dedicated to services like mortgages, auto loans, credit cards, and financial planning.

From here, if a user goes to the mortgages landing page you have an opportunity to personalize the rest of the site. For example, perhaps you want to expand a section of your navigation menu to highlight home financing services, or change the images on the sidebar to feature calls to action for starting a chat with a home loan advisor. However, this user may not be the ideal candidate to feature your current promotion for checking account users. From here, each action the user takes can cause a conditional response tailored to their actions, meaning you provide the smoothest experience possible for your customers.

Weather Specific Personalization

One brand that uses SiteSpect used regional weather reports to personalize the featured content on the homepage. Using the visitor’s IP address, you can segment visitors into groups based on the day’s weather report. Rather than general geotargeting where you group customers based on the typical climate in a state or region, this method of personalization takes things a step further. With general geotargeting, you may see an IP from Southern California and feature items like shorts and sandals.

By targeting based on actual weather rather than general weather, on a day when Los Angeles gets a rain storm, you can feature items like jackets, umbrellas, and boots on the home page. This is a small way to delight customers and make the shopping process easy. Another brand used the same technique to sell summer inventory after the fall clothing line came out. While most users saw the new fall clothes on the homepage, users in areas with high temperatures still saw summer clothing on the brand homepage.

Personalize Accessories Based on Product Detail Page Views

This is another way to personalize dynamically that has brought huge revenue lifts for SiteSpect customers. This works well for any inventory where users are likely to buy accessories to go along with a major purchase, for example: clothing and shoes or jewelry, toys and games, or technologies. To personalize this way, you would set up conditional accessories pages based on which product detail items a user has viewed before.

If you sell technology, when a user views an iPhone, you would theme your accessories page around the iPhone specific accessories (cases, chords, etc.). If you sell toys, your accessory page could take on the theme of the character a user has viewed. This makes the shopping experience smoother for your customers, and gives you an opportunity to feature items that may get lost otherwise.

To learn more about SiteSpect, visit our website.


Kate Orchard

Kate Orchard

Kate Orchard is a Manager of Customer Success at SiteSpect, where she consults SiteSpect users on their optimization and personalization road maps and projects. She is based in Boston.

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