A/B Testing Next Day Delivery Messaging
By Luke Hardwick
October 11, 2018
What’s the best way to inform customers about next day delivery? This question drove the case study below, and the answer drove revenue in a big way.
The Organization
UK based health foods retailer with a large ecommerce presence.
The Project
This retailer offers next day delivery, but it wasn’t promoted prominently on their product detail pages. The team hypothesized that featuring messaging about delivery deadlines would help inform users, increase urgency, and encourage add to carts and purchases.
Read Another Urgency Messaging Case Study
The A/B Test
The team configured an A/B test campaign that applied across all devices. The variation design included an animated clock with a countdown “Xh Xm Xs left for next day delivery.” This was positioned prominently inline with the add to cart button, just below the CTA for maximum visibility.
Results and Next Steps
Purchases and revenue per visit both increased by 2.5%. Funnel step attrition from the A/B test page into the Cart and Checkout demonstrated similar performance improvements. The team served the variation to 100% of visitors immediately and is exploring further opportunities for urgency messaging around time sensitive services and offers.
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